If the number of students is odd, there is no need to change the last one's seat.
Solution 1: change name
Left join seat table twice to get the previous name and the next name for each name
Use CASE WHEN to differentiate if we want to use the previous name or the next name
Use MOD(id, 2) = 0 or 1 to differentiate if the id is odd or even
Handle the last odd case if it exist with IFNULL() function
# Write your MySQL query statement belowSELECT, ( CASE WHEN MOD(,2)=0 THEN s3.student WHEN MOD(,2)=1 THEN IFNULL(s2.student, s1.student) END ) AS studentFROM seat AS s1 LEFT JOIN seat AS s2 ON - =1 LEFT JOIN seat AS s3 ON - =1ORDER BY ASC;
Solution 2: change id
For students with odd id, the new id is (id+1) after switch unless it is the last seat. And for students with even id, the new id is (id-1).
SELECT (CASE WHEN MOD(id,2)!=0 AND counts != id THEN id +1 WHEN MOD(id,2)!=0 AND counts = id THEN id ELSE id -1 END) AS id, studentFROM seat, (SELECTCOUNT(*)AS counts FROM seat) AS seat_countsORDER BY id ASC;
Solution 3: using two UNION operators
/* get all the even numbered rows as odd numbered rows */SELECT -1as id, s1.studentFROM Seat s1WHERE MOD(,2)=0UNION/* get all the odd numbered rows as even numbered rows */SELECT +1as id, s2.studentFROM Seat s2WHERE MOD(,2)=1 AND != (SELECT MAX(id) FROM Seat)/* Just don't get the last row as we will handle it in the next UNION */UNION/* get the last row if odd and don't change the id value */SELECT, s3.studentFROM Seat s3WHERE MOD(,2)=1 AND = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM Seat)/* Order the result by id */ORDER BY id ASC;