243_Shortest Word Distance

243. Shortest Word Distance

Level: easy

Tag: array


Given a list of words and two words word1 and word2, return the shortest distance between these two words in the list.

You may assume that word1 does not equal to word2, and word1 and word2 are both in the list.


Input: words = ["practice", "makes", "perfect", "coding", "makes"]
       word1 = “coding”
       word2 = “practice”
Output: 3

Idea 1 (brute force)

Find all the positions p1,p2p_1,p_2 for word1 and word2, and compute the shortest distance by minimizing p1p2|p_1 - p_2|.

Complexity 1

  • Time:O(n+k2)O(n+k^2) where nn is the length of the array and kk is the maximum number of word1 and word2.

  • Space:O(k)O(k)

Solution 1

class Solution(object):
    def shortestDistance(self, words, word1, word2):
        :type words: List[str]
        :type word1: str
        :type word2: str
        :rtype: int

        p1, p2 = [], []

        # find position for word1 and word2
        for i in range(len(words)):
            if words[i] == word1:
            elif words[i] == word2:

        # find shortest distance
        distance = len(words)
        for i in p1:
            for j in p2:
                distance = min(distance, abs(i-j))

        return distance

Idea 2 (greedy)

Keep two indices p1,p2p_1,p_2 where we store the most recent locations of word1 and word2. Update shortest distance when we scan from left to right.

Complexity 2

  • Time:O(n)O(n) where nn is the length of the array

  • Space:O(1)O(1)

Solution 2

class Solution(object):
    def shortestDistance(self, words, word1, word2):
        :type words: List[str]
        :type word1: str
        :type word2: str
        :rtype: int

        n = len(words)
        distance = n
        p1 = p2 = -n
        for i in range(n):
            if words[i] == word1:
               p1 = i
               distance = min(distance, i - p2)
            elif words[i] == word2:
               p2 = i
               distance = min(distance, i - p1)
        return distance

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